Mend Walls or Build Bridges

 The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling-edit.jpg  

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications that were built across the historical northern borders of ancient Chinese states and Imperial China as protection against various nomadic groups from the Eurasian Steppe. Several walls were built from as early as the 7th century BC, with selective stretches later joined together by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC), the first emperor of China. Little of the Qin wall remains. Later on, many successive dynasties have built and maintained multiple stretches of border walls. The most well-known sections of the wall were built by the Ming dynasty.


Emperor Qin Shihuang's contribution to the design of the Wall is considered to be of great importance as it ensured peace for the people in the northern part of China against the Huns and established a pattern of defense for future generations. ... It stands as a witness of the Chinese history, culture and development.


My Idea About Mending Walls or Building Bridges:

I would rather mend walls because I would prefer to separate myself from the ones I wouldn't want to be affiliated with and connect myself to the ones I respect and to the people who I want to respect me for the things that I have done and will do in the near and far future.


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