Clean-Up Drive

Clean-Up Drive

In January 25, 2019, Friday is when all of us worked together to clean our school, we the grade 7 courage was assigned to clean the canteen, we had to prepare our masks, gloves, and some garbage bags and other cleaning materials. It was really fun and we got the chance to learn from cleaning the canteen, and got the chance to exercise our bodies during the process, I couldn't believe how dirty the canteen was, there was garbage all over the place and a lot of dust on the tables, but people don't really care about the garbage that's on the floor. Mostly it was exciting cause it was fun and it was something new for our school, I think that its nice to have a general cleaning for our school especially when the school is really dirty, its nice to work together with your classmates to achieve something that benefits for all of us and for other people. When we finished cleaning the canteen we then went to clean our classroom because our principal told everyone to clean their classrooms too, cleaning the classroom was fun because watching the dirt go away is satisfying for me, while cleaning the classroom we also had breaks so that we wouldn't wear ourselves out, during the breaks we probably I probably wore myself out more than cleaning the classroom because me and mark kept doing handstands which was still fun enough, although it did hurt my back a little which didn't hurt at all actually since I landed on my feet everytime, in the classroom we literally cleaned every part of the room without leaving anything untouched except for the fans though, we weren't allowed to touch the fans at all, after finishing cleaning the classroom we then put everything back to where it was and then some of us started playing jump rope because its a fun group game especially for you and you're classmates.


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