Torta The torta has a pretty confusing history. Some say it originated during the French occupation of Mexico in the 1860s. Some resources say that bakers in Mexico took inspiration from the French baguette and made smaller loaves called bolillo and telera, which were both used to make sandwhiches. In the southern Philippines, in Visayas and Mindanao torta is generally used to refer to small cakes. It usually refers to mamón or torta mamón , a native porous sponge cake delicacy that resembles a large cupcake with butter, sugar, and/or cheese on top, traditionally served with sikwate (a thick, hot drink made of ground roasted cacao seeds) for afternoon snack or merienda. And in the northern Philippines, particularly among Tagalog-speaking provinces and islands, torta refers to a kind of omelette made with eggs or eggplant, ground meat (usually beef or pork), and sometimes minced onion and potato. ^(this is information to keep you from getting confused on which is which.)^ ...